Kategorie: Kazavition

  • Das Mysterium des Weinfarbenen Meeres

    Odyssee durch die Frühgeschichte der Weinkultur –  ein Filmentwurf Wein gehört zu unserem täglichen Leben. Doch wer macht sich schon Gedanken über seine Geschichte, wo er erstmals kultiviert und wie er anfangs gekeltert wurde? Wem ist bewusst, welche uralten Traditionen um den Wein bis heute lebendig geblieben sind und wie reich und vielfältig sich die…

  • Rural building traditions on Thassos, northern Aegean Sea

    Under construction A. Prologue: The aim of this research programme on Thassos is to present an exemplary case study about how the building of village houses and of other rural edifices, as well as the overall settlement patterns evolved locally or rather were brought along during immigration, or were adopted from outside cultural units. Our…

  • Agro-biodiversity on Thassos, northern Aegean Sea

    Thassos, the northern-most large island in the Aegean Sea, was extensively cultivated in antique times. The first settlers with a high level of agriculture were probably the Phoenicians: according to folk tradition they introduced the troumbes variety of olives and they may have been the first farmers to cultivate the land on terraced plots.

  • Nature conservation on Thassos

    When the island that we now call Thassos was discovered in ancient times by the earliest settlers, it was covered by abundant mixed broadleaf and pine forests. In the lowlands near the seashore, extensive wetlands teeming with eels and birds reached inland into wild gorges with rushing water all the year round. A grand natural…