Monat: Juni 2010

  • Odyssey for a Seal

    Eleven years old Paulina with her collected 10 pounds has made a greater contribution to a peaceful co-existence between the seals and their human antagonists, as compared with the millions moved by self-proclaimed seal protectors over the decades since. That big money, if it had any effect, it ruined the relations for good – if…

  • Conservation areas in Indonesia

    – an assessment from the local perspective, with emphasis on West Papua (under revision) Conservation is an ancient concept in rural life styles. Its practical application in restrictions (tabus etc.), selective and other adaptive patterns to ensure sustainability began to evolve alongside with the patterns of hunting, fishing and food gathering, even before people became…

  • Wikinger der Südsee oder: Dynamit im Riff

    – a film proposal Erster Teil: Hochseekanus mit Auslegern kreuzen in den Gewässern vor der Insel Biak im Südpazifik. Unterwasseraufnahmen eines Kanus, wie es das Strahlenbündel des Sonnenlichtes passiert. Übergang zur Wunderwelt der Korallenriffe des Raja Ampat Archipels westlich von Neuguinea , mit dem größten bisher nachgewiesenen marinen Artenreichtum der Erde. Luftkämpfe während des Zweiten…

  • Biologie des Friedens

    First published in 1974 by Kindler Verlag, Munich Abstract:

  • SORONG (PAPUA): A haven for illegal logging – with full government support

    (This article was first published in and in The Indonesian Conservation News Letter. It was then  distributed over news networks worldwide, in 2002 and 2003) The lobbies of upper class hotels in this provincial town at the Bird Head of Indonesian New Guinea in recent months became the meeting place of East Asia’s logging…