Autor: Thomas Schultze-Westrum
Papuan Dogs – the first companions of man
A. Personal introduction The fascination of New Guinea – the Last Unknown. My journey to Australia and New Guinea half a centrury ago. Visit to Sir Edward Hallstrom and „his“ dogs at Taronga Park Zoo of Sydney. Travelling twenty times (from 1959 to 2003) into the wilderness of New Guinea: to the Central Highlands…
Papuan Dogs – pictures
For the text (pages 1 – 18), with references to the pictures, see article Papuan Dogs – the first companions of man. Short Captions (cf. also references in the text): fig. 1a, West Papua, Central Highlands, Wissel Lakes (from: LE ROUX 1950, see footnote F41) fig. 1b, „Hallstrom’s Dog“, Melbourne Zoo, December 1965 (colour pictures…
Kätzchengeschichten aus Kazaviti
Das große Katzenelend Das Dorf Kazaviti auf der Insel Thassos im Norden der Ägäis wird im Herbst fast gänzlich verlassen. Einheimische und Sommergäste lassen dann mehr oder weniger bedenkenlos all die vielen Katzen ohne Versorgung zurück (photo # 17). Es beginnt ein unerträgliches, doch kaum beachtetes Martyrium, Die Tiere hungern nicht nur, es breiten sich…
The dilemma of rural architecture – part II (New Guinea – Melanesia)
Note also articles/parts I (Introduction/general); III (Greece) and IV (Bavaria). In New Guinea uprooted villagers “design” their houses in a similar way as shanty town dwellers; they return to the basic construction outlines, but they also seek access to advanced technology = corrugated iron, plastic and alike. Any tradition in house design has been totally…
The dilemma of rural architecture – part IV (Bavaria)
Note also articles/parts I (Introduction/general); II (New Guinea – Melanesia) and III (Greece) Bavarian villages were losing their image, with high-rise cooperative containers (Raiffeisen) dominating the sky line. But with folk tradition still much alive and reshaping not only by incentives like tourism, old craftsmanship (Zimmerer) and the old-style decorated wooden farm buildings in Uppewr…